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Complete Dentures


Complete dentures are removable full-coverage oral prosthetic devices that replace a complete arch of missing teeth. The appliance, when made correctly, can restore ideal length between the nose and chin and plump up facial tissues that would normally be supported by natural teeth. The transformation that occurs to a person’s lips, cheeks, profile, and of course smile can be dramatic, creating a more youthful and healthy appearance. Dentures can be made of gum colored acrylic with acrylic or porcelain teeth.

  • Improves eating function
  • Provides support for the lips and cheeks (improves sagging appearance)
  • Improves speech
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Being a first time denture wearer will be a challenge since there might be an overproduction of saliva, but in time, the patient’s mouth adjusts.
  • New dentures that rest on soft skin can cause sore spots


Complete Denture Process Takes 3-4  Appointments.
  • Dentists will determine the type of material best for you and treatment will start with a series of impressions of the upper and lower jaw, registration of your bite will also be taken.
  • Several trial fittings will be done with a trial denture and it will be thoroughly assessed based on the fit, the appearance and function.
  • Final denture is then processed and installed and adjustments will be made as necessary for every step of the treatment.

Post Care

  • Clean the dentures properly by brushing it with toothpaste or denture cleansers to remove foul odor. Do not use toothpastes with abrasive components.
  • Remove the denture every night so the oral mucosa can rest from all day coverage of the denture.
  • Visit the dentist at least once a year to check the fit of the dentures